SCR trouble
Fri May 29 2009, 06:06PM
Registered Member #1906
Joined: Sat Jan 03 2009, 05:06PM
Posts: 39
I can't get this SCR working.
Are all SCRs suppost to be connected in the same way? (The - of both power sources to K, + of HV to A & + of trigger source to G)
Could you recomend an easy wayto test if a SCR is working or not? 2 batterypacks of 3v and some light emitting diodes)
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Registered Member #90
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 02:44PM
Location: Seattle, Washington
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I usually test with a 12v battery (car battery, or a lantern battery) and a 12v incandescant bulb. This takes more current than an LED and therefore avoids any chance that the SCR turns itself off at that low current. A car headlamp will probably draw 3 amps (36 watts) or so.
Good luck, Barry I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something. (Jackie Mason)
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