Help about my coil gun pls
Thu Nov 27 2008, 04:25PM
Registered Member #1824
Joined: Wed Nov 26 2008, 02:57PM
Posts: 7
hi im working on at coil gun i have a coil 6cm lenght 900 spins and 1mm coil. ive 350 volt 6000mf capacitor and i dont have good performance why it is what is the best voltage best capacity and coil ?is it about my coil?
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Registered Member #1107
Joined: Thu Nov 08 2007, 10:09PM
Posts: 792
Based on how many turns you have on your coil, you have way to much inductance and the reactance is self limiting the current thus giving you a very slow discharge time. ALso it osunds like you are using very fine wire and that most likely cannot take the high currnet pulse and depending on the size of your projectile the long coil is actually slowing the projectile down. Instead of a single layer coil that is long "simiar to a tesla coil" you want a short but wide coil with much thicker wire. Read up on it in the coilgun wiki
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