4500 Joule Cap Bank Project
Wed Apr 30 2008, 11:56AM
Registered Member #1458
Joined: Wed Apr 30 2008, 09:47AM
Posts: 51
Hi All,
I'm new to this forum, I just found it and am really impressed. I would like to share with you a project I am currently working on, a 5000 volt, 4500 Joule capacitor bank I am hoping to use to crush cans and launch projectiles with. I have attached a link to a video of it . It has a few features which people might like to take some ideas away from. I've choosen to use air rams to trigger my discharge and also to isolate my high voltage transformer and anything upstream of it before I fire, one reason for using this method is to completely isolate myself from it as all that is connected to the rams are plastic tubes that carry the air. I have also used tungsten as my contacts on the switch to hopefully limit any degredation of the contacts through melting or vaporising as tungsten has such a high melting point. It was quite labour intensive to do these things especially the items to supply and control the air, but should be safe, easy to control and hopefully reliable.
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Registered Member #952
Joined: Mon Aug 13 2007, 11:07AM
Location: Finland
Posts: 388
Looks nice!
Can't wait to see it working!
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