Uzzor's Converter Question
Wed May 25 2011, 10:39PM
Registered Member #3603
Joined: Tue Jan 11 2011, 11:21PM
Posts: 11
Hi all,
I am putting together a version of Uzzor's Boost Converter. In looking at the schematic and then the pictures of the PCB to try to lay it out neatly, I noticed there is no 100uF capacitor on the schematic, but there is in the PCB.
What is that capacitor for? Should it be rated for 500VDC or just 12V? Is it even necessary as it's not on the schematic?
Thanks! Adam
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Registered Member #3888
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if connects from power to ground then it's just there to smooth things out at startup i think, and could be rated for whatever voltage your supply is using. if it is connected on the hv side, where the bank would be, then its likely there to prevent running the circuit without caps to charge.
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