Coil Dynamics
Mon May 15 2006, 12:02AM
Registered Member #111
Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 01:04AM
Location: Menasha,Wisconsin
Posts: 65
what does the shape of the coil have to do with the flux.
say the flux is more concentrated on the projectile in the entrance of the coil than it is near the end.
if this could accelerate the projectile through the coil with a constant power source, there would be much less need for cap banks to be timed perfectly.
am i close, on, or way out in left field with this one?
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Registered Member #32
Joined: Sat Feb 04 2006, 08:58AM
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Bear in mind that flux is as in flow. Even though there is no actual magnetic flow, the amount of flux passing through any two sections of the coil is constant.
You could theoretically change the flux densities in different parts of the cross-section but there's not a lot you can do to concentrate flux at one end or anything.
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