Op amp and voltage comparator
Mon Mar 15 2010, 04:28AM
Registered Member #190
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
I have a tank voltage signal that goes through a voltage clamp. The output is then converted to a clean square wave using a comparator. I have found that the comparator does not rise and fall exactly at the zero crossing of the original tank voltage. The comparator's rising and falling edges approach the true zeroes as the tank voltage increases.
I tried to use an op-amp and set up the gain to be very large. This way, I could make the rising and falling edges of the original signal very steep. However, I noticed that my signal was attenuated at my operating frequency. I can see by looking at figure 7

that the op amp can't handle this.
Is there an op amp or IC that can do what I want between 50 khz and 150 khz? Or, is there a way to get my comparator to rise and fall closer to my original signal's zero-crossing?
Would an opamp like this work?
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