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Junk Box Tube Coil

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Move Thread LAN_403
Mon Mar 30 2009, 01:08AM Print
RogerInOhio Registered Member #1034 Joined: Sat Sept 29 2007, 12:50PM
Location: Chillicothe, Ohio
Posts: 154
I've made some progress with this thing. As you might remember it uses an Amperex YD1150A triode which is kind of an overkill for a VTTC this size. I have a cooling fan on it now so I can really throw the power to it ! I get lots of corona around the wine bottle capacitors at high power.

Here are some specs..

secondary coil , 3.5 inch x 12 inch wound with 28 gauge magnet wire
primary coil, 6.5 inch wound with 30 turns 10 gauge wire taped at 30th turn
primary capacitor 2.75 nf wine bottle capacitor bank
tickler coil , 28 turns
grid leak resistor, 2500 ohms
grid capacitor , 1nf

1238375256 1034 FT0 Jb1

1238375256 1034 FT0 Jb2

1238375256 1034 FT0 Yd1150a
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Mon Mar 30 2009, 05:51AM
Download Registered Member #561 Joined: Sat Mar 03 2007, 02:46AM
Location: Adelaide Australia
Posts: 230

That looks really good, I wish my junk coils looked that good :(
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Mon Apr 06 2009, 12:34AM
RogerInOhio Registered Member #1034 Joined: Sat Sept 29 2007, 12:50PM
Location: Chillicothe, Ohio
Posts: 154
Just thought I would bring you up to date on my progress.

1- I redid my primary coil to give it more turns and I put the tickler coil on top.
2- I've cut back to just two wine bottle capacitors and have refined the coupling and tuning.
3- I finished up the cooling unit for the tube.

I'm getting about 20" sparks now and Hank has offered to give me some ceramic capacitors to replace the wine bottle capacitors which might improve the performance even more.

1238978020 1034 FT66690 Aprltyube2

1238978020 1034 FT66690 Aprtube1
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Mon Apr 06 2009, 12:56AM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
Posts: 2253
Great work Roger! Your coils are all very neat, and on youtube you and Teslaspigeon are the people that made me want to make a dc resonant charging tesla coil cheesey .

Looking forward to seeing the new capacitor on here, the sparks are already awesome!
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Mon Apr 06 2009, 03:29PM
vasil Registered Member #229 Joined: Tue Feb 21 2006, 07:33PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 506
Nice vttc, that tube deserves a better power transformer.
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Mon Apr 06 2009, 04:47PM
Linas Registered Member #1143 Joined: Sun Nov 25 2007, 04:55PM
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 721
please, make video, and upload to youtube ... because it look to good neutral
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Mon Apr 06 2009, 05:46PM
RogerInOhio Registered Member #1034 Joined: Sat Sept 29 2007, 12:50PM
Location: Chillicothe, Ohio
Posts: 154
Thanks for all the kind words.. I have been tempted to hook up a 7.2 Kv pole pig to this thing but if I'm going to build a really big tube coil I would rather have a bigger tube. There are some 3CX2500f3 tubes on eBay right now. If I can pick up one of them cheap maybe I will do that.

I have been meaning to make some more you tube videos and now that the weather is warming up I might get time to do it.

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Mon Apr 06 2009, 06:03PM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
Posts: 2253
I have been tempted to hook up a 7.2 Kv pole pig to this thing but if I'm going to build a really big tube coil I would rather have a bigger tube.

That would indeed be something to see! Now your giving me ideas with my pig... I have seen a guy with a 25kw or something vttc running from a 5kw 7 something kv pig, fullwave rectified. 3 foot sparks, as thick as his arm XD.
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Sun Apr 26 2009, 10:22PM
RogerInOhio Registered Member #1034 Joined: Sat Sept 29 2007, 12:50PM
Location: Chillicothe, Ohio
Posts: 154
Just thought I would update everyone on my tube coil. Dr Hankenstein sent me some free ceramic capacitors to replace the wine bottle capacitors in the tank circuit. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends in the Tesla coil community. I have also gone from a YD1150A tube to a 3CX2500F3 tube. The 3CX2500F3 just loads up better in this situation. I haven't been pushing ether one of these tubes very hard. The power level is about 3500 watts with a single MOT (commercial size ) and I'm getting about 25 inch sparks. Enjoy the pictures, Roger

1240784510 1034 FT66690 Tubecoil6

1240784510 1034 FT66690 Sparks6

1240784510 1034 FT66690 Cattube
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Sun Apr 26 2009, 11:34PM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
Posts: 2253
Looks amazing Roger! amazed

Nice work! The three coils all look very good!

I see you like using smaller secondaries for vttc's too, eh? Really maxing it out!
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