a few miscelaneous ideas for projectile accelerators.
Registered Member #1062
Joined: Tue Oct 16 2007, 02:01AM
Posts: 1529
To keep the circuit almost identical to the previous circuit, the shunt needs to be very low resistance. That makes it hard to 1) measure the resistance accuratly. Formulas help, but there are alot of real world factors. 2)measure the voltage drop. The drop will be smaller.
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rp181 wrote ...
To keep the circuit almost identical to the previous circuit, the shunt needs to be very low resistance. That makes it hard to 1) measure the resistance accuratly. Formulas help, but there are alot of real world factors. 2)measure the voltage drop. The drop will be smaller.
to answer the resistance problem, you would buy one. THEN with the resistance (since it will be in series with the rest of the circuit) you can calculate how much of a voltage drop it will have. and determine whether or not it will be safe to input to a sound card. and what do you mean by keeping circuits identicle? there would only be one on the circuit.and i dont think that keeping circuits identicle to each other makes it harder to measure voltage and resistance.
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