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mini drsstc build

Move Thread LAN_403
Wed Feb 18 2009, 02:33AM Print
teslacoolguy Registered Member #1107 Joined: Thu Nov 08 2007, 10:09PM
Posts: 792
Hi all, today i started working on another mini drsstc that is powered by a voltage doubler and a half bridge of isotop 40n60's. It is in the early design stage and i don't have a secondary yet but i am aiming for something in the 350khz~ range. Today i made the bridge from double sided copper clad with the + rail on the bottom and - rail on top. The mmc will be 6-8 cde caps depending on what kind of primary design i go with. For the driver i am using Steve Ward's new drsstc driver. Here are some pics of the bridge. Link2 Link2
I would also like to say thanks to Chris Hooper for supplying me with the igbt's and primary caps and gdt toroid.
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Wed Feb 18 2009, 06:32AM
Bennem Registered Member #154 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 04:28PM
Location: Westmidlands, UK
Posts: 260
Looking good!

its very similar to Steve Wards small DRSSTC bridge
which is still performing very well with excellent spark outut
for such a small coil.
I too made such a small coil a couple of years ago, first using 2mm enamelled copper
wire wound helically as my primary, but soon found it to get hot,
so changed it to 4mm copper pipe instead....my primary cap was 50nf 6 kv.

Keep the pictures coming!

All the best
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Wed Feb 18 2009, 10:52AM
Tonic Registered Member #528 Joined: Fri Feb 16 2007, 10:32PM
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Posts: 166
How did you mill tracks? If with dremel type tool, what have you used for milling?
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Thu Feb 19 2009, 11:50PM
teslacoolguy Registered Member #1107 Joined: Thu Nov 08 2007, 10:09PM
Posts: 792
Thanks for the kind words guys. I needed a couple parts so when i get them i will finish the bridge and start working on the enclosure and secondary. More pics coming early next week.
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Sat Mar 07 2009, 05:04PM
teslacoolguy Registered Member #1107 Joined: Thu Nov 08 2007, 10:09PM
Posts: 792
hey, it's been a while but i have more updates. I wound the secondary and epoxyed it and finished the bridge. Right now im going to start building the driver board but in the meantime here is a nice pic for ya all Link2
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Sun Mar 22 2009, 03:53AM
yottaKVA Registered Member #1618 Joined: Sun Aug 03 2008, 09:38PM
Location: Brooklin, Ontario, Canada, North America, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milkyway galaxy, Universe...
Posts: 5
Nice winding job, I'm impressed with the amount of effort and detail you put into all your work.
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Mon Apr 27 2009, 05:27AM
teslacoolguy Registered Member #1107 Joined: Thu Nov 08 2007, 10:09PM
Posts: 792
Hey guys, been a while but it works.......kinda i tested everything out today with a dummy coil running at about 240khz and ran it at 150v across the bus for about 15 minutes with the igbt's barely getting over room temperature. I am still having some issues with a ton of noise showing up on the gates but other then that it works great. Hopefully soon i will get the primary made so i can mount the secondary and have some arcs. Here are some pics:
setup (before i added the mmc and dummy coil): Link2

GDT waveform: Link2
Primary waveform: Link2 measured from a test ct about 200A P-P with about 75us "ON" time.
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Moderator(s): Chris Russell, Noelle, Alex, Tesladownunder, Dave Marshall, Dave Billington, Bjørn, Steve Conner, Wolfram, Kizmo, Mads Barnkob

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