very compact coil gun
Mon Jun 16 2008, 12:27PM
Registered Member #1537
Joined: Thu Jun 12 2008, 06:44PM
Posts: 51
would it be possible to have a multi stage coil gun that has the stages right next to each other. say within 15cm to have 3 stages. the trigger would be opticle say these sensors . the first two i do not see a problem with as the projectile is still slower but the last one the projectile will be going much faster so the trigger will need to be further away. other possible solutions: putting more capacitors in series to rejuce fireing time and increase the voltage for the lateer stage. using tis do you guys rckon can make aciol gun of 3 stages with the setup of:
4 series photo flash caps with close trigger, 4 caps furthe trigger, 4caps (2 series two parrelel) with far trigger. i'm hoping to have a gun that can shot small tacking nails at a substantial speed (enough to make it stik into things) any comments on this design or links to someone who has done something similar.
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