Equation for Voltage and Current traveling through Air?
Fri Nov 30 2007, 11:05PM
Registered Member #1150
Joined: Fri Nov 30 2007, 10:55PM
Posts: 1
I once looked at a piezo electric grill igniter and wondered how much voltage must be present for the spark to jump from the terminal on the bottom to the one on the side (which it was doing).
Is there an equation taking into account the distance and the temperature and humidity of the air? Or just a resistance for air at a standard temperature and humidity.
There must be something for this.
Let me know
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Registered Member #27
Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 02:20AM
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You can start by looking up Paschen's law.
You will not find a general formula that covers every possibility because it gets quite complicated and you would need a detailed simulation or experiment to give the correct answer under all conditions and electrode configurations. There are fairly simple formulas for specific cases.
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