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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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High voltage switching

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Mark Hayenga
Mon Aug 13 2007, 04:32PM Print
Mark Hayenga Registered Member #953 Joined: Mon Aug 13 2007, 04:29PM
Posts: 1

I have a Matsusada high voltage DC supply, 0-10kV, 134mA. I would like to turn this into a pulsed high voltage supply. I would like about a 0.5us pulse width (or less), with at least a 10kHz repetition rate (preferable more). Pulse shape doesn't have to be pretty. Are there FET's or IGBT's or similar that would be capable of this? Cost isn't a huge issue. Thanks for any help,

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Mon Aug 13 2007, 05:31PM
Sulaiman Registered Member #162 Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
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Is the load resistive, inductive of capacitive?
It makes quite a difference.
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Steve Ward
Mon Aug 13 2007, 06:03PM
Steve Ward Registered Member #146 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 04:21AM
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The fact that you ask this question tells me you are in for *quite* a learning experience.

No single MOSFET or IGBT can handle 10kV (yet). IGBTs are getting up near 6.5kV now i think (maybe more in laboratory). But you probably will have an easier time finding stuff in the 1.2kV to 2.5kV range. In any case, you need to figure out a safe way to series the switches. Voltage balancing is a huge concern, and is particularly difficult during the transition period from ON to OFF (when the load is inductive) or OFF to ON (when capacitive). I dont know if anyone on this forum has really done what you want to do, so you will have to do your homework, and perhaps come here for a sanity check.

Of course, there are vacuum tube switches that would do what you want. There is a reason vacuum tubes are still around, and this is one of them (that and VHF high power switching). I dont have any suggestions on what type of tube you would want, but id be searching for a triode with a 10kV anode rating and hopefully a decent pulse current rating.
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Steve Conner
Mon Aug 13 2007, 10:35PM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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The HV Technologies group at my old university had a 10kV IGBT stack switch that could do it. It was cutting edge stuff and unreliable, though.

If I had to get it working for next month, I'd be reaching for the fibre optics and a large power vacuum tube like the 4PR-1000A.
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Mon Aug 13 2007, 11:35PM
Capper Registered Member #914 Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 06:22PM
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Inside the box there's probably a section of the power supply on the low voltage side that you could switch instead that would effectively do what you want. Do you have a service manual or electrical schematic of the unit?

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Hazmatt_(The Underdog)
Tue Aug 14 2007, 01:19AM
Hazmatt_(The Underdog) Registered Member #135 Joined: Sat Feb 11 2006, 12:06AM
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Can you trigger your source with a trigger tube of some sort, like a big Xenon flash tube?
It would be lossy, and it might be too slow, but its just an idea.
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Thu Aug 16 2007, 03:34AM
teravolt Registered Member #195 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 08:27PM
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The best way to do this is to use a thyratron and a PFN. Traditionaly this is done for microwave sources. The PFN determins the pulse width. It can be done by the hobbyist depeding on your skill level and bank account. With a surplus job you could do it for say 400-700$ depending how many parts you have like the HVPS.
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Sun Aug 19 2007, 09:39AM
hvguy Registered Member #289 Joined: Mon Mar 06 2006, 10:45AM
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It is technically possible to produce a pulse that short at that voltage using an air sparkgap over a surface. Reference high-speed photography and microscope slide sparkgaps for more on this. If this needs to be accurate and reliable though a good tube is the way to go. We really need to know more about the load to properly advise on this one….
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