Acrylic sheet as primary coil insulator
Sun Sept 02 2018, 03:51PM
Registered Member #62119
Joined: Sun Feb 04 2018, 04:59AM
Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Posts: 136
I am considering adding an acrylic sheet as a top cover for my primary coil to minimize primary strikes. I never would have considered such a thing because of the expense but I recently acquired a large sheet of 5/16" acrylic sheet for nothing, so that idea has now returned. My question concerns the strike rail. Should I install one with this cover or not? Here are my options as I see them:
1. No strike rail 2. Strike rail in the normal position on top of the acrylic sheet 3. Strike rail under the acrylic sheet
My concern with number 1 and 3 is that if a streamer finds its way around and under the acrylic sheet, the streamer may melt or burn a portion of the acrylic. I have heard of at least one coiler that has installed such an acrylic sheet and I recall that he placed the strike rail under the sheet. I forgot the link.
Steve White
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Sun Sept 02 2018, 09:45PM
Registered Member #2939
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:25AM
Posts: 615
Considering the ability of arcs to track across most plastic surfaces (not sure how well acrylic stacks up) I would definitely put a strike rail in somewhere. I agree with your concern about burning of the acrylic surface. If it were me, the strike rail would be going on top.
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