Verschrottix' DRSSTC
Sun Apr 17 2016, 02:35PM
Registered Member #58519
Joined: Sun Mar 13 2016, 11:58AM
Posts: 2
Hi guys after i finished my ARSGTC (i'll make a new thread about this coil) i want to built a rather "big" DRSSTC. I'm sorry i will use for this thread the metric system because i'm german. So back to topic the coil should be abou 2m tall with a flat primary and a sceondary with 250mm in diameter and 1000mm lenth. The Topload will be a "skelleton"-Topload (250mm thick and 900mm in diameter). Here some datas: -Fullbridge with SKM600GB-126D-Bricks -12mF 400V Buscaps (first rectified max. 270VAC from my varaic ) -UD2.7 as driver -about 40kHz fres -about 500nF primary capacitance -2 seperate GDTs (one for each halfbridge) -about 1kA primarycurrent Here is a picture of my bridge (not finished). The other stuff is not built yet.
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