DerAlbi wrote ...
I suggest you dont use this forumla at all. Or at least not directly - you just learn from it and the theory behind it.
This formula assumes that there is a constant voltage drop across the diode (which is an ok approximation).
The formula simply says:
1) "the more diodes (n) you use, the faster the current decay"
2) "the higher the forward-drop (e), the faster the current decay"
3) "the lower the Inductance, the faster the current decay"
The whole formula is derived from an expession that basically states:
4) "the hgiher the voltage across a coil, the faster is the current change"
The thing is: every diode will have a resistive component to it. Meaning the textbook exponential function can not applied and this effect becomes more noticable at high currents.
I measured those diodes a long time ago and found the Silicon resistance to be ~4mOhm. Meaning at your 700A there is some drop across the actual junction plus resistive 3V drop. (it can be much more.. who knows)
All this must be seen in the context of the whole circuit:
If you coil has 267mOhm then the voltage across the internal ESR is allready 190V. Now you have to question yourself: does it matter much putting some diodes in series to have an overal maybe ~220V drop?
In percent, the change issnt that big considdering the effort.
Of course this argument counts only at high currents. At lower Currents like 30A then the ESR-Drop is 8V while the diodes still provide 25V more. This is a noticable improvement!
However: since the force is quadratic to the current... think about it again: if your cirucit feature is optimizing your current decay mostly at low currents, is the actual suckback created from this optimized protion of the current waveform actually worth mentioning?
What i imply is that your concept is fundamentally flawed
What the diodes do is basically disipate the energy stored in the coil. So what component comes to mind when you want to disipate energy? Resistors!
Of course a resistor only leads to an exponential decay which has a looooong current tail.. and it seems ugly in the diagramm.
Think again: square current graph (to get an idea about the qualitive force-behavior), and notice how insignificant the actual tail becomes.
What will strike you is that the force decays extremely fast at the relevant time if you accept the exponential decay...
So maybe a resistor is much better in disipating energy than diodes. And its much better in decaying the current when it still causes significant suckback.