How to beef up my slayer exciter.
Wed Aug 12 2015, 08:53AM
Registered Member #55960
Joined: Fri Jul 24 2015, 12:11PM
Location: Bangalore, India
Posts: 10
I've built a slayer exciter using a TIP31C running off a 12V power supply. It can light up CFLs around a foot away and creates a half-centimetre arc without a top load. It is based on this Instructable and the schematic (credit to user -max-) is attached below:
![B5ccdfe01448 Zpsuwekpylr B5ccdfe01448 Zpsuwekpylr](
I used a 1K resistor instead of the 10K (10K did not work) along with 2 100nf ceramic caps in parallel. The primary is 3 turns and the secondary is 30AWG wound a 30cm long pipe (several hundred turns. Not sure of the exact number).
I want to increase the power. I have an IRFP250 MOSFET. I also have the UCC37321 and UCC37322 MOSFET driver ICs. Can someone advise me on how I can go about wiring them up to increase the power? If not with these parts, is there any other circuit I could build which would work better. Thank you.
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Registered Member #952
Joined: Mon Aug 13 2007, 11:07AM
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You could follow Steve Ward's Micro SSTC schematic, which makes use of a single MOSFET, a gate drive IC and antenna feedback. It makes for a great first SSTC. You can substitute a UCC37322 for the TC4420, just remember to check the pinouts. He also made an improved version with an interrupter and a capacitor across the MOSFET tuned for Class E switching to decrease losses. I suppose you could get breakout with one of those circuits even with just 12 volts in. At least it would be way better than the Slayer Exciter circuit.
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