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Registered Member #498
Joined: Sun Nov 19 2006, 06:00PM
Location: Bay Area
Posts: 19
Howdy, y'all. I've been interested in HV stuff for a while, but my projects got to "make a jacob's ladder from a neon sign" and stopped.
Today, I took apart a laser.
I have a "6x225 uf" 1500v General Atomics capacitor, a 1500v power supply to go with it, a whole bunch of Vishay SCRs, and a flashlamp-pumped Nd:YAG laser head.
The capacitor's rated for 4 kA of peak current. Given that it seems to actually be 6 capacitors in one case sharing a common ground terminal, what are some applications for it? I work in an electronics recycling center, so I'm especially interested in using it to destroy hard drives. I know it'd pretty thoroughly erase one, but I'm wondering if 1.5kj is enough to physically distort a hard drive can-crusher style. Failing that, there's always the option of just connecting it to the SATA inputs.
I'm already familiar with the basics of high-voltage and high-power capacitor safety (hence me leaving the Lexan shield and bleeder board on the capacitor instead of taking it off and blowing up small electronics), so I do understand how dangerous this is.
Also, can I reuse these SCRs for anything fun? They're apparently only rated to 1200v.
Registered Member #2989
Joined: Sun Jul 11 2010, 12:01AM
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Have a look in the projects section there is a projectile launcher thread that's very interesting I bet you could use your components to fire hard drive disks. Although you would have to get it right otherwise you would damage the capacitor. A couple of things, when you do dump that thing you do not want it ringing (like a tuned circuit) and I would keep it and any wires away from any other electronic equipment you might just EMP it.
Registered Member #1403
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It is about the same capacitance / voltage rating as my similar Maxwell capacitor.
As blackcurrant says, you would destroy this type of capacitor from ringing (too high negative voltage swing in a closed short circuit loop), a solution I used was a spring loaded charger/discharger switch to protect the charging power supply and always have something in the short circuit loop that explodes to it ends up like a open loop to avoid too much negative voltage swing on the capacitor.
These types of capacitors are maybe rated for as little as 10-30% negative voltage swing. Whereas some large pulse specified capacitors have 70%.
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