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black holes...again

Move Thread LAN_403
Fri Oct 10 2014, 03:36AM Print
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
I recently read an article that some physicists don't think black holes stay in existence too long. That is, black holes do not exist. Everyday, though, I keep hearing the physics community talk about black holes.

Is this reference legit? The article says the journal is NOT peer reviewed, so I can only guess there is something fishy here.
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Fri Oct 10 2014, 04:18AM
Conundrum Registered Member #96 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
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Geometric solutions that do not take into account turbulence and asymmetry are mathematically correct but not always consistent with real world physics.

That said, neutron stars have been revealed to have internal structure going down to the subatomic level so it is possible black holes actually do have internal geometry that isn't visible from the outside of the event horizon.
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Fri Oct 10 2014, 08:16AM
Uspring Registered Member #3988 Joined: Thu Jul 07 2011, 03:25PM
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Current consensus is, that black holes don't live forever and decay by Hawking radiation. That is a _very_ slow process for massive black holes, e.g. on the order of 10^60 years. This doesn't imply, that they don't exist. The problem of information loss is circumvented by postulating, that the Hawking radiation contains the "lost" information. There are huge theoretical problems, though, of getting quantum mechanics to be consistent with general relativity.

Life time of miniature black holes is predicted to be much shorter. This has been one of the arguments, why hypothetically produced mini holes by the large hadron collider would evaporate a long time before they could accrete more mass to become dangerous.
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Fri Oct 10 2014, 09:25AM
dexter Registered Member #42796 Joined: Mon Jan 13 2014, 06:34PM
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Uspring wrote ...

hypothetically produced mini holes by the large hadron collider would evaporate a long time before they could accrete more mass to become dangerous.

back then when it was a hot topic someone calculated that such a black hole ignoring the very very short life would take 10k - 100k years of swallowing enough matter to become dangerous
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Fri Oct 10 2014, 04:12PM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
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I strongly suspect that the research isn't complete.

The current understanding of black holes seems to be shifting from:

a black hole forms -> event horizon + singularity at the centre


a black hole forms -> firewall forms + flat spacetime inside that

They would both look the same from the outside, but if you fell in, you would hit the firewall (consists of Hawking radiation, and similar) and get fried and spread over the surface of the black hole and the black hole would get a bit bigger.

The thing that hasn't been worked out yet is how the firewall forms and exactly how it stays stable, but this seems to be the only really workable explanation of the known physics and observations right now. But there's no consensus yet, and this paper is part of physicists trying to work it out.
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Sat Oct 11 2014, 08:46AM
Uspring Registered Member #3988 Joined: Thu Jul 07 2011, 03:25PM
Posts: 711
They would both look the same from the outside,

The thing that hasn't been worked out yet is how the firewall forms and exactly how it stays stable, but this seems to be the only really workable explanation of the known physics and observations right now.
don't seem to reconcile. Nobody has been in a black hole.
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Sat Oct 11 2014, 07:17PM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
Nobody will ever have been in a black hole.
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Sun Oct 12 2014, 01:29AM
Carbon_Rod Registered Member #65 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 06:43AM
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Any rational explanation is plausible without falsifiable assertions. However, most of these theories will never be scientifically accurate without experimental or observational proof. While Hawking radiation emissions have been observed, it still does not prove the underlying phenomena match speculative models.

Some of Hawking's work is reminiscent of this fellow:
“Distortion of Truth by Association”
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Sun Oct 12 2014, 06:18PM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
Well, yeah, I'd take the opinions of a drug pusher on that.

Firewalls are covered here: Link2

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