Coil Gun Chassis Project
Wed Nov 13 2013, 04:29AM
Registered Member #39221
Joined: Sun Oct 27 2013, 05:22AM
Posts: 1
Hi all my first post and Coil Gun Project. I am going to build a chassis first in such a way that you can just change out the guts without building the whole weapon each time. I know this is backwards probably but Firearm Design and CNC machining is my strongpoint. I'm here because I am weak in electronics and would like to get some feedback on benchmarks.
I have a question what would be the max projectile velocity I could hope for using a large squad automatic size weapon such as the US m240 or the Russian PKM utilizing an additional backpack to house an energy source?
Thank's Mark
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Registered Member #2906
Joined: Sun Jun 06 2010, 02:20AM
Location: Dresden, Germany
Posts: 727
We cant give you a velocity, but maybe an energy. Also, since real weapons are not part of the culture in civilized countries i cant get any data from your weapons description. However you can estimate this by yourself: without electronics knowledge you will have an energy transfer efficiency of about 2-5% as a startingpoiint. higher projectile mass tends to be on the 5%-side.
You now can search for HV-Caps (350V+) Look at their dimensions and capacity, calculate their stored energy (E = C/2*U^2) and use the 5% rule of thumb. Take also into account that you also need a permanent battery and a charging circuit. Using a battery only (low voltage on coils) will not satisfy you without complicated electronics - and this is not a beginners project at all.
btw: backward design will allways suck. to get any noticably power out of a coilgun (and actually you called it a "weapoin" ) it should be highly optimized: for power, not form factor. But it will be a nice project. just dont expect too much.
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