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I hate technical spelling...

Move Thread LAN_403
Tony Matt
Sun Apr 07 2013, 02:31AM Print
Tony Matt Registered Member #3700 Joined: Sat Feb 19 2011, 12:59PM
Posts: 107
After reading for some time the 4HV threads, I beguin to be trouble with the proper spelling ... Anyone can advise ?

0.1 amper [A] or 0.1 Amper or 0.1 a or 0.1 coulomb per second ?
ten kilowatt [kW] or ten Kilowatts [KW] ?
one coulomb [C] or one Coulomb [C] or one ampersecond ?
half volt [V] or half Volt [V] or 0.5 v or 0.5v ?
ten meter [m] or 10M or 10 M or 10m ?
0.3 second [s] or 0.3 Second or 0.3s ?
2 microfarads or 2 Microfarads 2 MF or 2 mF ?
six kilowatthours [kWh] or six Kilowatthours ? check your electrical bill.
12 kilohertz [kHz] or 12 Kilohertz or 10 KHZ ?
What is the rule?

Cheers ]
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Sun Apr 07 2013, 05:07AM
klugesmith Registered Member #2099 Joined: Wed Apr 29 2009, 12:22AM
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Not too complicated, but many people get it wrong.
Here's the first reference I opened out of a ton of search results: Link2
Here's a more official reference: Link2

In casual forums it's common to omit degree symbols, write u for μ, spell out ohm instead of fetching a Ω, and use ^instead of superscripting to denote "raised to the power of".

Be careful to remember the distinction between common symbols for variables (C for capacitance, I for current)
and the associated units of measurement (F for farad, A for ampere).

The SI symbol for second (the time unit, not the angle unit) is lowercase s. ms is a millisecond. mS is a millisiemens (e.g. the conductance of a 1000 ohm resistor).
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Steve Conner
Sun Apr 07 2013, 07:54AM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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The SI multipliers all have a defined case. For example, m is milli but M is mega. So to avoid ambiguity you should always use the correct case: MW, kWh, kV and so on.

The SI units that were named after scientists get capital letters when abbreviated, but not when written out in full. The ones not named after scientists are lower-case always. kWh = kilowatt-hour.

When written out in full, the units are treated as ordinary nouns and the ordinary rules of spelling apply. Teslas are a unit of magnetic flux density. One tesla is equal to 10,000 gauss.

Some units have a two-letter abbreviation. If it was named after a scientist, the first letter gets capitalised. Oersted = Oe, candela = cd.
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Newton Brawn
Tue Apr 09 2013, 04:03AM
Newton Brawn Registered Member #3343 Joined: Thu Oct 21 2010, 04:06PM
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Hi Tony,

I just review yours theads/replies to verify your SI spelling and I have found no mistakes so far.

It appears that you post the thead just to bring attention from ours friends to provide a better spelling when typing the SI units...

Is it true ?



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Thomas W
Tue Apr 09 2013, 09:04AM
Thomas W Registered Member #3324 Joined: Sun Oct 17 2010, 06:57PM
Posts: 1276
i find reading helps alot with spelling, recently i ordered 3 very large electronics books: Art of Electronics, Power Electronics Handbook and one other that is on Inverter and Switchmode Design.

Not only do books help you learn and expand your knowlage, they really help with your spelling often!
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Tue Apr 09 2013, 09:17AM
Houdini0118 Registered Member #8558 Joined: Thu Dec 06 2012, 11:38PM
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I find reading over what i have written helps but i rarely do that unless it is like a school paper or something.
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Wed Apr 10 2013, 08:57PM
paris Registered Member #3042 Joined: Wed Jul 28 2010, 12:36AM
Posts: 121

Have no fear , spellingman is hare!!
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Ash Small
Wed Apr 10 2013, 11:38PM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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-of the world-
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Tony Matt
Thu Apr 11 2013, 12:45AM
Tony Matt Registered Member #3700 Joined: Sat Feb 19 2011, 12:59PM
Posts: 107
Hi Newton ;

You bat... Your spelling also looks good.

Steve has remembering very well, in recognation of the scientists that have contributed to the sciece, get capital letters when abbreviated, but not when written out in full.

It is fair enough.

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Moderator(s): Chris Russell, Noelle, Alex, Tesladownunder, Dave Marshall, Dave Billington, Bjørn, Steve Conner, Wolfram, Kizmo, Mads Barnkob

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