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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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What are these specs of this transformer?

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Charlweed Hymerfan
Mon Mar 11 2013, 07:01PM Print
Charlweed Hymerfan Registered Member #10170 Joined: Thu Feb 21 2013, 07:10PM
Posts: 1
I'm an electronics neophyte, and I am trying to understand the transformer in a circuit to generate a spot of plasma at the end of two leads. In particular, I am trying to build the circuit here:
Ignition Circuit Small

This circuit is published in a couple of magazines. The last component I need to finish the circuit is the transformer that converts 12vDC to “a few kv” at kilohertz frequencies. The author calls the transformer a Tesla Inductor, and suggests obtaining one by pulling one out of a furnace ignition system. I would rather have the specifications of the correct part, as that will give me flexibility to shop around.
Unfortunately, neither the schematic nor the articles detail the specifications of the transformer, and I do not know enough to infer them.
I have figured out that I need a low current, high voltage transformer. This may be known as an ignition, or spark, transformer. I think I need to know at least the impedance and operating frequency, as I have inferred the input voltage (12) and input current (10 ma) from the 555 timer. Some vendors seem to want me to specify windings, winding ratios, resistance etc. air vs. ferrite core etc.
Again, I’m not yet looking for a transformer, I want to understand exactly what transformer I need, and why. Eventually I hope to make 20 of these circuites.

Thanks for any help!
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Ash Small
Mon Mar 11 2013, 09:39PM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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It's difficult to say with any degree of certainty without more information, but, from what I can tell, depending on the frequency that the 555 is switching (I've not done the maths to calculate it, but you could calculate it from the datasheet below), you have a few choices, firstly an old TV or monitor flyback transformer will certainly produce arcs with this driver.

An igniter coil from a heating unit may produce a hotter arc, an air cored one would run at a higher frequency, (I don't know a lot about igniters, but it sounds, from what you say, that some are air cored, and some are not).

My advice would be to start with the cheapest you can get, and see what happens.
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Tue Mar 12 2013, 03:06AM
Fredasp Registered Member #10754 Joined: Thu Mar 07 2013, 08:04PM
Posts: 8
by the image of the schematic coil, it´s not air cored, but anything in general will work as you want arc as source of ignition, and those plasma arch will set fire in anything (in this case, (solid?) fuel)
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Steve Conner
Tue Mar 12 2013, 12:53PM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
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I've dismantled a few of these gas igniters. It's a little transformer wound on a ferrite rod. The primary is maybe a dozen turns, and the secondary is thousands of turns in several sections on a chambered bobbin. They charge a small capacitor to about 300V off the mains, and discharge it into the primary through a gas discharge tube. So they are basically little ferrite cored Tesla coils.
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