(Hack) Program PICs from your Samsung GS/GS2 mobile
Mon Apr 09 2012, 08:50PM
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
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Hi all.
Just noticed something interesting about this 'phone. It has USB host mode in there, but so does the Galaxy S.
(on the S you need to mod the phone and custom FW it though)
It stands to reason that if it can detect a pendrive, etc then there is no reason why I couldn't modify a standard "jig kick" module with the 5 pin microUSB to connect to my PIC programmer.
Many other phones use this connector so if it works on one then a simple 'Droid port of JDM84 or PIP02 or whatever would allow PICs and AVRs and suchlike to be programmed from a standard phone with a simple app download. Even put the app ON the usb device so you plug & play.
If anyone else has one of these cables please let me know, I'd be interested to see what other devices it works with.
Being able to print directly from a phone would be an amusing hack, plus this would be a handy mod for serial ports etc so the phone can control external devices.
-A (btw the "jig kick" is a simple resistor between two pins)
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