(Hack) Optical mouse hacking
Sun Apr 22 2012, 08:48PM
Registered Member #96
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Hi all. Seems that these mice all use a very similar chipset. The optical pickup used is the MC-12085 which is an 8 pin IC with internal LED driver and a serial output, using 24 MHz ceramic resonator which can be changed for a lower frequency to increase sensitivity.
It appears that using them to read simple QR codes is quite feasible by replacing the lens with one from an aixiz module, as long as the chip has the "pixel read" mode enabled.
Another interesting hack is to use them to determine the beam geometry and mode on laser diodes. As the sensor is essentially a 64*64 or 32*32 CCD with a very high frame rate it can be used in this way. See Sprite_TM's notes on the older sensors for more information.
I located the datasheet for a similar chipset which also includes the pinout for all components. So rebuilding the mouse into an aixiz is doable albeit tedious.
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