Making a Choke With a U and I Ferrite Core
Tue Jan 24 2012, 10:17PM
Registered Member #1321
Joined: Sat Feb 16 2008, 03:22AM
Posts: 843
Has anyone ever made a choke using a big U and I core from TSC or Ferroxcube? If so did it work out ok?
I was going to rig up a "Mazzilli driver", so as to do a quick full-voltage test of a transformer and multiplier, but I found I don't have any big inductors laying around.
So I'm thinking about doing this:

For a starting point, a simulation shows that, using TSC "50all" material, for example, with a 0.1" air gap between the "U" and the "I", 40 turns would give an inductance of about 520 uH. The result suggests that the inductance will be fairly constant with current up to about 15 amps or so; beyond which point saturation will occur (apparently starting with the "I" piece on top).

In thinking out loud maybe it would be better in terms of flux density distribution if the coil was split into two pieces say 20 turns on each leg of the "U"?
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