Ansoft maxwell, calculating inductance of a flat rectangular loop
Mon Dec 05 2011, 03:28AM
Registered Member #89
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 02:40PM
Location: Zadar, Croatia
Posts: 3145
Hi guys,
Anyone here knowledgeable of this software? I have a problem where 300x400mm rectangular loop, made with 20mm wide copper tape (only 0.1mm thin or so) needs it's inductance to be found (for one and more windings)
I was pretty certain it could be done in 2D modeler but I'm getting lost as there doesn't seem to be a way to define any excitation that goes along x or y axis (like a linear current density... interestingly, you can define linear current density for edges, in z direction!)
Those coil and end connection excitations also puzzled me.
I can post more details if anyone thinks he can help..
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