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T-670 Spark Gaps on Ebay

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Move Thread LAN_403
Wed Oct 26 2011, 11:21PM Print
jpsmith123 Registered Member #1321 Joined: Sat Feb 16 2008, 03:22AM
Posts: 843
Just in case anyone's interested:
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Mads Barnkob
Thu Oct 27 2011, 06:54AM
Mads Barnkob Registered Member #1403 Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
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wrote ...


Everything he got for sale got this marker on it, atleast if its HV related.
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Thu Oct 27 2011, 05:21PM
jpsmith123 Registered Member #1321 Joined: Sat Feb 16 2008, 03:22AM
Posts: 843
It's hard to believe even the caps he has are "export controlled". And the "export controlled" thing is nonsense in the first place since other countries manufacture and sell spark gaps & capacitors, and they'll sell it to anybody.
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Fri Oct 28 2011, 02:04AM
sngecko Registered Member #3447 Joined: Fri Nov 26 2010, 11:10PM
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Triggered spark gaps have been on the US government's MCTL (Military Critical Technologies List) for ages, due to their connection to nuclear weapons research. Even now, when weapon systems are developed for/with (or may be accidentally transferred to) other countries, each part and system has to checked against this list and the emerging science and technology list (and some other classified lists) to make sure that the whole system doesn't have to be classified or EAR, making it a real pain to produce and field.

Anyway, yes, spark gaps can be found outside the US, but no president wants to find a busted up SCUD or TAEPO-DONG warhead with a "Made in America" spark gap in it! After all, even thugs want quality parts. wink
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Fri Oct 28 2011, 02:23AM
teravolt Registered Member #195 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 08:27PM
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hi jpsmith123, thease switches were probly developed on a goverment contract and are for marx systems. I work at L3 and one other switch we used to build had the same problem. I dont know if the particular switches you have are ITAR but if I were you I would be shure before you send them outside US borders. if you want I can find out for you.
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Fri Oct 28 2011, 05:04AM
Xray Registered Member #3429 Joined: Sun Nov 21 2010, 02:04AM
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teravolt wrote ...

I work at L3....

COOL! What kind of work do you do there (if it's not classified)?
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Fri Oct 28 2011, 01:47PM
jpsmith123 Registered Member #1321 Joined: Sat Feb 16 2008, 03:22AM
Posts: 843
Hello Teravolt,

I believe that the #T-670 is an "off-the-shelf" item. I have an old one sitting around here that's marked: "Physics International Company".

I think L3 bought out Physics International (or bought out the company that bought out Physics International).

teravolt wrote ...

hi jpsmith123, thease switches were probly developed on a goverment contract and are for marx systems. I work at L3 and one other switch we used to build had the same problem. I dont know if the particular switches you have are ITAR but if I were you I would be shure before you send them outside US borders. if you want I can find out for you.
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Sat Oct 29 2011, 04:04AM
teravolt Registered Member #195 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 08:27PM
Location: Berkeley, ca.
Posts: 1111
hi jpsmith123, you are right about physics international when I started we were olin then prmex then maxwell then titan and now L3 I think we lost the physics int. after maxwell. that switch isn't built that much from what I can tell probly because it isnt UV iluminated. when there is a order for switches I usaly build them.
The core of our divisins work is pulse power and X-ray generation.
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Sat Oct 29 2011, 05:09AM
Xray Registered Member #3429 Joined: Sun Nov 21 2010, 02:04AM
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teravolt wrote ...

The core of our divisins work is pulse power and X-ray generation.

When you say "X-ray generation" can I assume that you are talking about extremely high peak KVp X-rays (i.e., millions of volts) at very short time durations (i.e., nano or femtoseconds???). I read a paper a couple of years ago about a government project that produces extrermely high power X-ray bursts by explosively-generated high magnitude electrical pulses. Is that what you guys play with at L3, or am I way off base? I'm just curious because X-rays happens to be my favorite subject! cheesey
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Sat Oct 29 2011, 02:36PM
jpsmith123 Registered Member #1321 Joined: Sat Feb 16 2008, 03:22AM
Posts: 843
By "UV illuminated" you mean as in a "trigatron"?

BTW Teravolt, do they sell replacement parts for those T-670 spark gaps? If so can you tell me how much is it for two new electrode pieces and for that plate in the middle?
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