Freewheeling diode for coilgun
Wed Jun 22 2011, 09:42PM
Registered Member #3888
Joined: Sun May 15 2011, 09:50PM
Location: Erie, PA
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a couple questions about the diode placed antiparallel with the coil.
-should the diode be placed near the coil, near the capacitors, or doesn't it matter?
-instead of paralleling up a bunch of beefy diodes, could i just use another scr (70tps12) that's triggered on with the same signal as the firing scr?
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Registered Member #1525
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It doesn't matter which part the diode connects to, but personally I found it was easier and neater to connect it to the screw terminals on the capacitor than to try to solder more points to the coil.
An SCR will work just like a diode, but keep in mind you will have to keep the gate signal applied to it a little bit longer than you would if you were just triggering the capacitor discharge. The reason is reverse current won't begin to flow through an anti-parallel SCR (holding it open) until your capacitor voltage has fallen all the way to zero and your coil starts pumping the current with it's negative EMF.
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