Building my first TC
Sun Oct 10 2010, 11:01AM
Registered Member #1498
Joined: Thu May 22 2008, 07:08AM
Location: Hong Kong
Posts: 72
The following is the specifications of my TC: Units=Inches ------------------------------------
---------------- Secondary Coil Inputs: ------------------------------------------
---------- 2 = Radius 1 2 = Radius 2 10 = Height 1 26 = Height 2 883.98 = Turns 26 = Wire Awg ----------------------------------------------
------ Primary Coil Inputs: ------------------------------------------
---------- Round Primary Conductor 3 = Radius 1 8.369 = Radius 2 9.612 = Height 1 9.612 = Height 2 10.7375 = Turns 0.25 = Wire Diameter 0.01 = Primary Cap (uF) 20 = Total Lead Length 0.25 = Lead Diameter -----------------------------------------
----------- Top Load Inputs: ------------------------------------------
---------- Toroid #1: minor=3, major=16, height=29.9, topload ------------------------------------------
---------- Secondary Outputs: -----------------------------------------
----------- 266.52 kHz = Secondary Resonant Frequency 90 deg° = Angle of Secondary 16 inch = Length of Winding 55.2 inch = Turns Per Unit 0.00216 inch = Space Between Turns (edge to edge) 925.7 ft = Length of Wire 4:1 = H/D Aspect Ratio 38.5065 Ohms = DC Resistance 29140 Ohms = Reactance at Resonance 0.71 lbs = Weight of Wire 17.401 mH = Les-Effective Series Inductance 18.165 mH = Lee-Equivalent Energy Inductance 17.712 mH = Ldc-Low Frequency Inductance 20.493 pF = Ces-Effective Shunt Capacitance 19.631 pF = Cee-Equivalent Energy Capacitance 30.164 pF = Cdc-Low Frequency Capacitance 5.7 mils = Skin Depth 16.089 pF = Topload Effective Capacitance 112.0425 Ohms = Effective AC Resistance 260 = Q ------------------------------------------------
---- Primary Outputs: -----------------------------------------
----------- 266.67 kHz = Primary Resonant Frequency 0.05 % low = Percent Detuned 0 deg° = Angle of Primary 31.96 ft = Length of Wire 5.45 mOhms = DC Resistance 0.25 inch = Average spacing between turns (edge to edge) 0.94 inch = Proximity between coils 1.52 inch = Recommended minimum proximity between coils 35.109 µH = Ldc-Low Frequency Inductance 0.01001 µF = Cap size needed with Primary L (reference) 0.51 µH = Lead Length Inductance 102.662 µH = Lm-Mutual Inductance 0.13 k = Coupling Coefficient 0.129 k = Recommended Coupling Coefficient 7.69 = Number of half cycles for energy transfer at K 14.27 µs = Time for total energy transfer (ideal quench time) --------------------------------------------
-------- Transformer Inputs: ------------------------------------------
---------- 220 [volts] = Transformer Rated Input Voltage 15000 [volts] = Transformer Rated Output Voltage 30 [mA] = Transformer Rated Output Current 50 [Hz] = Mains Frequency 220 [volts] = Transformer Applied Voltage ------------------------------------------
---------- Transformer Outputs: -----------------------------------------
----------- 450 [volt*amps] = Rated Transformer VA 500000 [ohms] = Transformer Impedence 15000 [rms volts] = Effective Output Voltage 2.05 [rms amps] = Effective Transformer Primary Current 0.03 [rms amps] = Effective Transformer Secondary Current 450 [volt*amps] = Effective Input VA 0.0064 [uF] = Resonant Cap Size 0.0095 [uF] = Static gap LTR Cap Size 0.0166 [uF] = SRSG LTR Cap Size 30 [uF] = Power Factor Cap Size 21213 [peak volts] = Voltage Across Cap 53033 [peak volts] = Recommended Cap Voltage Rating 2.25 [joules] = Primary Cap Energy 358 [peak amps] = Primary Instantaneous Current 30.7 [inch] = Spark Length (JF equation using Resonance Research Corp. factors) 16.2 [peak amps] = Sec Base Current ------------------------------------------
---------- Static Spark Gap Inputs: ------------------------------------------
---------- 5 = Number of Electrodes 0.25 [inch] = Electrode Diameter 0.5 [inch] = Total Gap Spacing ------------------------------------------
---------- Static Spark Gap Outputs: -----------------------------------------
----------- 0.125 [inch] = Gap Spacing Between Each Electrode 21213 [peak volts] = Charging Voltage 20342 [peak volts] = Arc Voltage 32034 [volts] = Voltage Gradient at Electrode 40684 [volts/inch] = Arc Voltage per unit 95.9 [%] = Percent Cp Charged When Gap Fires 13.472 [ms] = Time To Arc Voltage 74 [BPS] = Breaks Per Second 2.07 [joules] = Effective Cap Energy 459111 [peak volts] = Terminal Voltage 154 [power] = Energy Across Gap 31.7 [inch] = Static Gap Spark Length (using energy equation)
Any recommendations?
I've chosen 0.01uF as the tank cap of my primary, which is a bit higher than the static gap LTR cap value - 0.0095uF. Will it cause any problem?
The peak voltage across the cap is 21213V and the recommended cap rating is 53033V, but I've decided to take 30000V, will that be OK?
Also I need some suggestions on constructing the MMC. What dimension(number of string and number of caps in each string) of the MMC should I use? Any recommendations on good, durable caps?
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