Predicting input power in a ScanTesla simulation
Sun Oct 10 2010, 12:45AM
Registered Member #2677
Joined: Mon Feb 08 2010, 03:06AM
Location: Palo Alto, California, USA
Posts: 64
Hello all, I am designing a DRSSTC and am wondering what figure in the ScanTesla763 output file is the power the coil will draw from mains, coil power or load power? My coil will be running off of 120VAC (RMS) with a voltage doubler in place of a bridge rectifier for 240VAC (RMS) on the bus. How can I predict how much power the coil will draw from the 120VAC mains and thus how big of a variac I will need. Because I am trying to figure out how big of a variac I need, I want a number in VA or kVA. Thanks!
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