Screened wire winding method - how to do it?
Tue Sept 28 2010, 04:01PM
Registered Member #890
Joined: Tue Jul 10 2007, 10:06PM
Location: Slovakia
Posts: 180
Hello, at
i found part with screened wire method.
The screened wire core was made of a bi-filar wound string with about 2 turns per inch with each wire forming one of the secondaries. The primary screen was made from sections of tinned copper braid about 3" long that were soldered together to form a continuous screen. With tinned copper braid, poking a screwdriver down the end pushes the strands out to form a tube that can be slid over the wires used as the core. You are limited to the maximum length by how long your screwdriver is but these sections can be soldered together to form one long screen around the secondary wires. The lot was insulated with black electrical insulating tape. I want to try this method, but i have no idea how it is made, im not that good in english technical stuff, could someone simplify it for me?
As i understand, i need to made bifilar strings per one signal (for h-bridge five), but then i dont get a part with screwdriver...
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