is there any mods that can help a sstc in wirelass energy tranfer
Wed Sept 15 2010, 08:07PM
Registered Member #2807
Joined: Fri Apr 16 2010, 08:10PM
Posts: 191
I'm using steve's mini sstc and the reciver is the same secondary and primary connected to a bridge rectifier. I'm wanting 50% over 1 meter
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Thu Sept 16 2010, 12:36PM
Registered Member #162
Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
Location: United Kingdom
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Just make sure that the bridge rectifier is made of FAST diodes, UF4007 or similar (Trr << 1us)
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Thu Sept 16 2010, 06:22PM
Registered Member #2463
Joined: Wed Nov 11 2009, 03:49AM
Posts: 1546
The surest way to measure if energy transferred is to measure the heat. That isn't going to be easy unless you can use a thermopile of some description. Find out how Hertz did that. For your experiment, you could find the smallest lightbulb, ie a #49 (2 volts- 0.06 amps) and connect it across the primary coil of the recieving coil and then try moving close enough to the the sender get it to light.
Here is the innards of a very broad range probe used to measure EM power using heat.
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