conflict between theory and act in javaTC
Sat Jul 31 2010, 10:30AM
Registered Member #2865
Joined: Tue May 18 2010, 10:59AM
Location: persia
Posts: 37
hello everybody . recently I found out that there is wrong answers in javaTC . I'm running my 1955 turns secondary with 17 turns of primary with 10-15 Cm streamers . but javaTC says i need 6 turns . so i run with 6 turns and there where no streamers . as javatc said my coil is ~ 60 % out of tune in first mode and ~ 0.1 % out of tune in second one . how should i tune my TC with softwares ?
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Registered Member #1408
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ARCSTARTER once made a comment about not being too wrapped up in the specifics of a coil's relationship to the "projected perfection" of design software ....and to just build the thing and see where it goes. Getting it built and functioning was the thrust of his comments. I see where that has value. Speaking only for myself, I can get very wrapped up in the idiosyncrasies of what certain TC software says is appropriate. I may have been misinterpreting the results of the software or missing some issue about the software's design, but the end result is that by getting it up and running allows for more recognizable tuning issues than trying to find the issues before they can be examined in the context of the working coil as a whole..
Therefore if the thing functions with "x" turns to the primary & the software says that it needs "y" turns, there may be a related issue that could be found out easier with a working model than going by a theoretical model alone.
Have you tried moving the elevation of the primary?
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