Class-E Audio Modulated Tesla Coil?
Steel Banana
Mon Jul 19 2010, 07:19AM
Registered Member #3012
Joined: Mon Jul 19 2010, 06:25AM
Posts: 1
Hey Guys, I have come to 4HV seeking advice in the hope that someone from the biggest Tesla Coil forum will help me. I'm trying to find the complete plans to building a 'Class-E Audio Modulated Tesla Coil' like the one in this video
The size and effect seems almost perfect for my project, but as of yet, I have not found the build instructions for something like this. The kit is way out of my price range, and I was hoping to build the entire thing myself. Does anyone have the plans or schematics to building something like this? A parts list would be especially helpful.
Thanks in advance!!amazed
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doctor electrons
Registered Member #2390
Joined: Sat Sept 26 2009, 02:04PM
Location: Milwaukee Wisconsin
Posts: 381
The kit you see in the video is awesome!! I own two! I can tell you that noone here will give you the plans for that coil. If we did that, Eastern wouldn't make any money selling kits for it. I would recommend saving up some money and buying the kit that you can afford from EVR. It will make life easier especially if you have never built something like this before. If you use the search function here in 4hv, you may likely find some of the information you seek. Just search for "class-e audio modulated tesla coil". Best of luck and welcome to the forum!
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