Problems with my DRSSTC
Tue Jun 15 2010, 03:23PM
Registered Member #2273
Joined: Thu Aug 06 2009, 07:02PM
Posts: 37
Hey Guys,
At the moment, I'm testing my big DRSSTC again. It has a fullbridge with 20n60 igbt's and uses the schematic from CTC's DRSSTC 6 ( go to Projects>DRSSTC 6). The secondary is 15cmX50cm with 0.3mm wire, the torus is 15cm thick and 40cm in diameter.
But I ran into the following problem: Everytime I turn my interrupter on, it gives me a streamer into the air which is about 23cm long (on 100V). But this streamer is only a short pulse, after this I don't get any streamers into the air! It only gives me sparks to ground.
I don't know where the problem is.
Has anyone a good idea?
Edit: Without the Toroid i get around 14cm streamers into the air.
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Registered Member #2273
Joined: Thu Aug 06 2009, 07:02PM
Posts: 37
I fixxed the problem, thanks for your help...
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