NEW idea for a TESLA COIL ! (maybe) Magnetic amplifier tesla coil
Tue May 04 2010, 11:30PM
Registered Member #2807
Joined: Fri Apr 16 2010, 08:10PM
Posts: 191
I have a new idea! I read about magnetic amplifiers and I found out they can be used up to 200,000 amps! yes no mistake. So you take a class c osc. and connect the secondary of a mot to the grid system and the other end to geound. Then you take the pirmary and connect that to where the cathode and plate of the vacuum rube would be. Would this work? Could a ma be used in place of a mod. transformer in vttc audio mod? Now that is the question.
Link to explanicion of MAs [link][/lin
Magnetic_amplifierk] link to idea, audio amp usinf MAs [link][/lin
mag-audio-amp.htmk] Link to makeing a MAs using regular transformers [link][/l
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