My DRSSTC build
Sat Apr 17 2010, 01:43AM
Registered Member #51
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:17AM
Posts: 263
I want to share some pictures of the boards I designed. These are for my DRSSTC project. I also did a to-247 full bridge, but I think I might just skip right to the minibrick version as they seem a little harder to destroy.
The scope waveform is looking from G-S on the two low side IGBT's in the bridge. I am using 5 ohms of gate resistance and no turn off diodes. Switching frequency is 350Khz. The driver pulls about 1A at 24v while driving the IGBT's at 100% duty cycle. The "Humps" at the turn on are caused by my long leads I suspect (I don't believe they will cause problems though).
I am still looking for 200-250v ~4000uf RIFA caps. Anyone know where I can get a pair cheap?
Take a look and tell me what you think.
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Dr. Brownout
Registered Member #2405
Joined: Fri Oct 02 2009, 12:59AM
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 140
cjk2 wrote ... I want to share some pictures of the boards I designed. These are for my DRSSTC project. I also did a to-247 full bridge, but I think I might just skip right to the minibrick version as they seem a little harder to destroy. The scope waveform is looking from G-S on the two low side IGBT's in the bridge. I am using 5 ohms of gate resistance and no turn off diodes. Switching frequency is 350Khz. The driver pulls about 1A at 24v while driving the IGBT's at 100% duty cycle. The "Humps" at the turn on are caused by my long leads I suspect (I don't believe they will cause problems though). I am still looking for 200-250v ~4000uf RIFA caps. Anyone know where I can get a pair cheap? Take a look and tell me what you think. Nice job on the boards, its hard to beat a nice clean layout!!
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