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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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ZVS inductor

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Move Thread LAN_403
Tue Feb 09 2010, 11:55PM Print
Meatball Registered Member #2401 Joined: Mon Sept 28 2009, 04:25PM
Posts: 74
I have ordered the parts to make my first ZVS for my AC flyback. I've heard so far that a recommended inductor value should be about 50uH. I also read that this inductor value will result in "hotter", thicker arcs because of more current flow.

I'm not really after the white hot arcs, I'm more into the thin streamers, that look more electrical, instead of flame like.

Because of this I ordered a 49uH inductor, and a 150uH inductor. So if the 150uH inductor results in less current flow from the secondary, will my arcs be more stringy? Will this result in higher secondary voltages as a result?

I'm also looking to construct the circuit on a piece of fiber board,

any recommendations for mounting and securing the flyback?

Thank you for the recommendations!

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Wed Feb 10 2010, 02:00AM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
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The 150µH inductor will have more stringy sparks, yes. But, it will ne result in higher voltage. If you want higher voltage, since the inductor will limit the current more, you can use less primary turns. That would get more voltage.

What do you mean mounting and secure the flyback? To what? I always made my Mazzilli drivers point-to-point. It makes it tiny, it looks cool, it is easy to solder, but it could make the mosfets harder to change. If you made it point-to-point using terminal block like i did, it is no problem though,
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Wed Feb 10 2010, 09:47AM
Zeus Registered Member #2316 Joined: Tue Aug 25 2009, 03:04AM
Location: Bendigo, Australia
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Another spark fancier; I am not alone. If you are looking for sparks rather that arcs, can I suggest a 555 based driver.
I've found that driving flybacks with pulsed DC gets sparks more than arcs.
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Dr. Dark Current
Wed Feb 10 2010, 11:33AM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
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The inductor does not limit current, it is used for current filtering - to supply more or less constant current through each cycle.
If decreasing the inductor value changes the output, this means it's no longer filtering the current adequately and might result in less efficient operation so a higher value should be used.
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Wed Feb 10 2010, 02:54PM
brtaman Registered Member #2161 Joined: Fri Jun 05 2009, 03:36PM
Posts: 247
Zeus wrote ...

Another spark fancier; I am not alone. If you are looking for sparks rather that arcs, can I suggest a 555 based driver.
I've found that driving flybacks with pulsed DC gets sparks more than arcs.

I second this. If you are looking for sparks the 555 flyback driver is the way to go. If you are looking for power arcs then ZVS.
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Wed Feb 10 2010, 04:21PM
Meatball Registered Member #2401 Joined: Mon Sept 28 2009, 04:25PM
Posts: 74
Cool, so I'll try 4+4 turns, or 3+3. Whichever works better with the 150uH coil.

The ZVS appears to be the most powerful driver, so I chose it to take more advantage of the AC flyback I have.

I'm hoping to use some fiber board, like was used here:


However, since this is to become a complete HV DC Power supply, I will need all my components contained in one enclosure... one that it somewhat portable.

So naturally, It would not be good to have my flyback freely bouncing around inside. I would like to way to protect the ferrite core, and the remaining pins on the coil. My flyback looks like this:


I thought that I may just use zip ties, or loads of glue around the base. So long as it is secure, and can't arc to anything, it should work for me.

I thought about using the 555 driver, and then using an amp, but I figured that would be tricky to keep consistently configured. I don't myself with control over frequency, and the amps gain! I'm too power hungry I guess..

I'm going the ATX route to power the ZVS. But current limiting could be an issue...

Getting 24V could be an issue too. I'm not sure if 12V will be enough.

Thanks all!
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Wed Feb 10 2010, 04:27PM
brtaman Registered Member #2161 Joined: Fri Jun 05 2009, 03:36PM
Posts: 247
You can always series or parallel the computer PSUs. Have been doing this for a while, as I am too cheap to buy a decent x00W transformer. cheesey

I have 3 12v ~12amp ATX PSUs in series for my ZVS induction heater giving me a nice healthy >400W 36V power supply to play with. Though it will certainly impede your need of portability.
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Wed Feb 10 2010, 06:14PM
Meatball Registered Member #2401 Joined: Mon Sept 28 2009, 04:25PM
Posts: 74
I like that idea brtaman... I'll have to find another PSU to up to the voltage. Those ATXs are compact enough... I can make 2-3 of them portable enough...
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Wed Feb 10 2010, 11:24PM
Zeus Registered Member #2316 Joined: Tue Aug 25 2009, 03:04AM
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Posts: 107
If I've read your post correctly, you want a HVDC supply. How do you intend to rectify the 20 to 60kHz output.
Unless this is going to be a surprise, in which case I completely understand.
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Thu Feb 11 2010, 04:33AM
Meatball Registered Member #2401 Joined: Mon Sept 28 2009, 04:25PM
Posts: 74
I actually have a HV voltage tripler. It is of considerable size, and should not have to be "pushed" to a dangerous extent. I will have to find a way to make the tripler, something that is switchable. I'd like to make use of HV AC as well. However, the tripler is nice since it kicks up the voltage considerably. I shouldn't need any extra smoothing on that output should I?
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