Bad drive on modded Aspire One
Sat Dec 19 2009, 02:47PM
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
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Hi all.
This was a modded Aspire One formerly with a 16GB flash drive but upgraded to a 120GB 1.8" LIF MK1214GAH Toshiba drive. Was working albeit with the inability to boot on initial switch on unless you saved the BIOS. This machine was working fine, but suddenly noticed issues with Itunes (tracks skipping and jumping) and skips on Quicktime.
just yesterday it threw a "delayed write error" on one of the AVG temp files. also noticed a steadily increasing number of head parking/unloading events. any ideas? all data backed up so i shouldn't lose anything except the install.
regards, -A
"Bother" said Pooh, as he was "detained without charge"...
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Registered Member #902
Joined: Sun Jul 15 2007, 08:17PM
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was part of the original 16GB drive configured as a Swap Partition or Virtual Memory? - those netbooks usually aren't allowed by inter company agreements to have a significant amount of ram just a thought, as when I tried using a disk that was too slow for it I got similar issues.
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