Experience with BX-24?
Fri Oct 16 2009, 12:01PM
Registered Member #2040
Joined: Fri Mar 20 2009, 10:13PM
Location: Fairfax VA
Posts: 180
Does anyone have experience with the BX-24? I've been using it in a project of mine and now all of a sudden it wont download any new programs. It runs the old program just fine, but I can't get it to communicate with the computer. I've scoped the ATN line and it's getting the signal it should, but it never transmits an aknowldege. I have even tried three different computers with no luck. Two had hardware serial ports, the other a USB to serial converter. Net Media has been no help either, they won't answer my emails anymore. I've tried all the usual tricks, like resetting the processor during a download, and I can't get anything. Any advice?
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