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Registered Member #1403
Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
Location: Denmark, Odense C
Posts: 1968
Hey all
Here is what I have been working on for last couple of days, it is a compact mini sstc with a halfbridge of IRFP460 running at 325VDC driving a secondary at about 470kHz
It is a late mothers day gift for.. my mother :)
She teaches science in the first couple of grades in a public school, so hopefully this will bring some portable joy for the children, some where I do not have to be present.
There is all the pictures, futher details and a small movie of it running here:
The magic stuff
The complete setup and one of the most spectacular spark pictures of a demon with glowing eyes waveing its arms at you!
Registered Member #56
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:02AM
Location: Southern Califorina, USA
Posts: 2445
Awesome looking sstc! Have you considered mounting the secondary on top of the driver to make it a bit more compact/robust?
Other than that it looks amazing, its quite impressive you managed to fit the whole driver in that box, do you have any problems with heating using the box as your only heatsink?
Registered Member #1403
Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
Location: Denmark, Odense C
Posts: 1968
... wrote ...
Awesome looking sstc! Have you considered mounting the secondary on top of the driver to make it a bit more compact/robust?
Other than that it looks amazing, its quite impressive you managed to fit the whole driver in that box, do you have any problems with heating using the box as your only heatsink?
The plan certainly is to fit the secondary on the box, I just did not have the fittings to make it as I imagined. I also made it with bananajacks so I could use it with different secondary coils.
Running the coil for 1-2 minutes at highest BPS, about 20, the box is only abit more than handwarm where the FETs are mounted, no heating of the entire case.
Registered Member #1403
Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
Location: Denmark, Odense C
Posts: 1968
I am currently making a new secondary for this driver and bridge.
It will be a 1500 turn 0.1mm wire on a 75mm form, with topload it should resonate somewhere around 200kHz. It will be installed on a little plexi plate with male bananajacks to fit into the box's outputs. To ensure correct phasing and ease transport.
I borrowed for 1000 euro worth of macro lens and took some closeup spark pictures, really saucy details! Here is a couple of them, 7 new were added to the site.
Registered Member #1403
Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
Location: Denmark, Odense C
Posts: 1968
brtaman wrote ...
The first streamer looks like an evil bent fork IMO. :)
Great looking coil and lovely macro shots. How did you connect the soda can ends so nicely to make the torroid? Cold weld and grind/polish?
I polished the beer cans while they were still full, put them back in the refrigiator, drank the beer, cut off the 2 bottoms and squished them together. One of the bottoms got just a tad more wall than the other, so i could just fold that underneath the other by rolling it hard against a table.
Only tools used are steelwool and a knife :)
On a sidenote, I was showing the coil for a couple of my flatmate's friends and the antenna was just too close to the coil, so I moved it with my hand still powered up and the bridge shorted :/ So now I am fighting my compact design as you do not simply change FETs in Mordor.
Registered Member #1025
Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 566
Hi Mads, nice coil indeed... I have only one comment - you might try to make a small gap between your primary and secondary. I have expereince that winding primary right on the secondary, despite some layres of isolating plastic is not good and there are always some significant losses. Just give a try, or have a close look first on the primary windings in a complete darkness when the coil is on. In case you see blue corona-like effects around the primary than, you should try what I suggest. It could improve the performance.
Registered Member #1403
Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
Location: Denmark, Odense C
Posts: 1968
Finally got the secondary coil done, the members that hang out at irc knows what a drag it have been to make it :)
I stole the topload from my VTTC I, which I am not too happy about, I would like all coils operational.
Secondary is 75 x 165 mm, 1500 turns of 0.1 mm wire. It is now running around 180 kHz instead of 470 kHz. Sparklength is atleast 250 mm, so I am very satisfied.
Article is updated with all crusial information:
There is a new video on youtube showing its amazing performance:
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