Quantum Singularity
Registered Member #158
Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 09:53PM
Location: Central Ohio
Posts: 282
Seems like I read somewhere a few years ago the problem with ferrous materials in a railgun is that ferrous material has 'poles' in it and might either oppose the direction of the magnetic field and would have to align themselves with it wich introduces a lag and inefficiency. I guess when you think about the core theory of how a railgun works its simply passing a current perpindicular through a magnetic field. If the projectile has any magnetic poles in it would interfere. But you could make it multi-stage like a ferrous sabot in a injector then aluminum slug continues into the rails? Or you could just use aluminum for the whole thing and use an inductance type coilgun to inject it but probably wouldnt be as efficient as the projectile probably wouldnt be optomized for such a coil gun.
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