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wicked alex
Tue May 05 2009, 02:17PM Print
wicked alex Registered Member #1786 Joined: Tue Oct 28 2008, 03:23PM
Posts: 43
Hi, i want to make a Neurophone.
And so i also have som questions.
1.Can i yous the TL494 as the audiomodulator and as ozillator?(20-200khz)
2.How does the audiotransformers 16 and 17 look like?(hase to be at 3000v and 1W)Can i yous a CCFL inverter transformer?
3.Can i yous a normal mosfet to drive the transformer?
4. Wath is the coil in FIG.4 good for?


Hope someone can help me.
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Tue May 05 2009, 03:53PM
big5824 Registered Member #1687 Joined: Tue Sept 09 2008, 08:47PM
Location: UK, Darlington
Posts: 240
what exactly is a neurophone?

/edit didnt see the bottom link :)
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Tue May 05 2009, 06:16PM
Sulaiman Registered Member #162 Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
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Be VERY cautious !

1) This machine is designed to produce high voltages at high frequencies, various organs of the body that do not have temperature-monitoring nerves will absorb this energy and heat up.
You will not know how much untill it's too late.

I'd say that if your circuitry needs more than a few watts of power supply think carefully.

2) As far as I'm aware no nerves can react up the kilohertz range.
Typically nerves take about 1ms to 'turn on' and 1ms to 'turn off" and many ms to recover fully.
I suspect that am diathermy causes some part of the body to respond and transfer pressure to the ears via the spine.
EASY test : When it's operating sever your spine.
If the sound stops ..... I'm correct !

DISCLAIMER ... My legal adviser/wife insists that I make it clear that severing your spine is not a good idea - she's usually right about this stuff.
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Tue May 05 2009, 06:25PM
big5824 Registered Member #1687 Joined: Tue Sept 09 2008, 08:47PM
Location: UK, Darlington
Posts: 240
Yes sulaiman is right, you wont know you are being electrocuted by a high frequency source until your heart stops or you notice your starting to burn.
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wicked alex
Tue May 05 2009, 06:31PM
wicked alex Registered Member #1786 Joined: Tue Oct 28 2008, 03:23PM
Posts: 43
Ok thanks for the warnings! neutral
(if this is dangerous at +- 1W of output power how dangerous would cellphones bee?)
Please let me know if you find any errors!

1241548286 1786 FT69029 Neurophone
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Tue May 05 2009, 07:14PM
Sulaiman Registered Member #162 Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 3140
A BD139 isn't a good choice due to low voltage rating.
Look for a transistor (mosfet or igbt better) of 100's or >1000V rating
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wicked alex
Tue May 05 2009, 07:35PM
wicked alex Registered Member #1786 Joined: Tue Oct 28 2008, 03:23PM
Posts: 43
But I will only runn it at 9v?do you mean the inductive kickback voltages?
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Tue May 05 2009, 09:04PM
Sulaiman Registered Member #162 Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 3140

The output voltage is (roughly)

(primary 'flyback' voltage) x (transformer turns-ratio)

So higher voltage rating = potentially higher output voltage

You can wind a primary with fewer turns to increase the transformer ratio
but higher current is required.
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Fri Sept 17 2010, 04:30PM
vriaeros Registered Member #616 Joined: Thu Mar 29 2007, 08:32AM
Posts: 3
from wikipedia:In 1958, at the age of fourteen, while living in Bellaire, Texas, Flanagan invented the Neurophone [2], an electronic nervous system excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain, for which he received U.S. patent no.3,393,279[3] in 1968. The invention earned him a profile in Life magazine, which called him a "unique, mature and inquisitive scientist"[4][5]. In 1968 the invention was further improved by the development of a means of simplifying speech waveforms, for which he received U.S. patent no.3,647,970[6], which allowed the device to produce clear sound at lower power levels. Flanagan has continued to develop the neurophone and it is currently being sold as an aid to speed learning.

Flanagan claims, aged eight to have invented an electronic sleep machine, aged eleven developed and sold a guided missile detector to the U.S. military, aged seventeen to have gained his air pilot's licence and was employed by a Think Tank at The Pentagon, and later as a consultant to the NSA, CIA, NASA [7], Tufts University, the Office of Naval Research, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Department of Unconventional Weapons and Warfare .[2] He also claims the unusual ability to tie 6000 different knots, 4800 by the age of 8.

the article my friend doesn't say that the us secret services forced him to lend his invention for interrogation purposes.

the idea behind this is to transmit sound bypassing the ear.

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Proud Mary
Fri Sept 17 2010, 04:37PM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
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Posts: 4992
Sounds like it could trigger an epileptic seizure to me.

Here is the US Patent 3393279 circuit diagram:

1284743068 543 FT0 Nervous System Excitation Device Us Patent 3393279

What we have here is a phase shift oscillator, followed by a pentode power amplifier with modulation applied to the screen grid from a modulator valve . This is basically the circuit of an AM A3 transmitter of poor quality - the phase shift oscillator drifting who knows where, while the screen grid applies feeble modulation from a pentode wired as a cathode follower - a very odd looking configuration, as it implies a high heater-cathode PD with which most valves are uncomfortable.

There's no buffer stage between the creaking phase shift oscillator and the power amplifier, making it all but certain that fo will be 'pulled' by changes in the PA anode current.

The patent was actually filed in 1962, but not published until 1968, a long delay.
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