new coil
Mon May 04 2009, 04:36AM
Registered Member #2106
Joined: Sun May 03 2009, 07:26AM
Location: Utah
Posts: 4
I just finished my Old School SGTC. The only variations from the old classic are: litz wire used on secondary, stepped form secondary column and conical primary. Here's some pics. 12 kv NST, .025 MFD 50 KV Maxwell cap., fixed gap. I have it mounted on an old lamp table. pic here shows it before completion. I'm getting very good streamers with the primary tapped at 5 turns. Now that it's working in standard form, I'm going to a rotary gap. Then I'll probably try rectifying the NST output for some DC tests. I also have a hefty radar triode to try it in VTTC mode later. Come to think of it, I have two IGBT bricks somewhere! To bad it's not four.... Gotta stock up on MOT's too.
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