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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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Transformer questions.

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Move Thread LAN_403
Fri Apr 07 2006, 09:54PM
Registered Member #256 Joined:
Posts: 124
im not sure, i was thinking, the common high volt ones are in4007? the 1KV 1A diodes, or maybe just get some microwave rectiriers and make a full bridge setup...
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Fri Apr 07 2006, 10:29PM
vasil Registered Member #229 Joined: Tue Feb 21 2006, 07:33PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 506
Sweet dreams streamers rule....You will do nothing with 4007 in this service
Listen to Steve Conner and get some MOTs. They are easier to handle than a pole pig.
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Fri Apr 07 2006, 11:52PM
Registered Member #256 Joined:
Posts: 124
well like i said i would likely use microwave diodes, of which i have quite a few extracted ones, and also no body is going to discourage me from MOTs instead of a pig, so i just would like the help i can get with this if i need it also do i set up with a center ground, can i just ground between where i series the secondaries and tie it in to the ground lug? or will this cause the circuit breaker to trip, or would it be best left floating? also i will have this running at about 2 or 3 kva to start then when i am ready i will probably move up in my power levels, also i would like to make a giant jacobs ladder, so if i ballast this to 5kva, will the arcs go to about 3 feet right?
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Michael W.
Sat Apr 08 2006, 12:47AM
Michael W. Registered Member #50 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:07AM
Location: Vernon, B.C, Canada
Posts: 324
Quote from Streamers Rule "will the arcs go to about 3 feet right?"

This just screams death and destruction.... dead
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Sat Apr 08 2006, 02:46AM
Registered Member #256 Joined:
Posts: 124
lol i know with the 3.5 kva from my now dead mot stack i was aple to pull the arc to a little over 1.5 ft
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Sat Apr 08 2006, 02:55AM
Omicron Registered Member #131 Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 09:25PM
Posts: 185
Do you know what you are dealing with?! In my avatar, I am dumping 75 amps from a cap, that flash is the first part what you don't see is the beads of molted metal fly out of that flash, 75 amps...and you want 3500 or higher... kid that is hell you are playing with.
One mistake, and you are dead and chard before your body hits the ground.

I think this thread should be locked, buts that just me...
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Sat Apr 08 2006, 02:59AM
Registered Member #256 Joined:
Posts: 124
i dont want 3500 amps and i want 5 kva and that is like wattage not amperage, i know about flashes of high amp discharges becuz i do a lot of welding, and i have had flashburn before, yikes it really hurts!!!
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Sat Apr 08 2006, 03:18AM
Desmogod Registered Member #139 Joined: Sat Feb 11 2006, 11:01AM
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 358
So you've been careless enough to electrocute yourself before? outstanding.
Also, judging by your .sig , this would be akin to giving a shotgun to a kid.
Oh, errrr, wait.
I agree with the lockage of this thread.
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Sat Apr 08 2006, 03:24AM
Registered Member #256 Joined:
Posts: 124
no i have not been electrocuted a flash burn is where your eyes are in effect sunburned and my signature is like because high voltage doesnt necissarily kill people the amperage does, and i see no reason in the locking this thread either
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Self Defenestrate
Sat Apr 08 2006, 03:28AM
Self Defenestrate Registered Member #87 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 01:36PM
Location: San Jose
Posts: 191
Personally, I beleive that if you have any questions about about how to build this setup, you aren't ready to work with this sort of power.
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