4MHz class e sstc
Tue Mar 24 2009, 05:05PM
Registered Member #1445
Joined: Tue Apr 15 2008, 01:25PM
Location: Germany
Posts: 24
yesterday i found my class e sstc in a box and decided:
i´ll upgrade it ^^ and so i took a irfp450, some capacitors laying arround, a air inductor and a ferrit core (become the 7:3 gdt) and worked almost 30 min on it xD
that´s what happend:
the signal is created by a cristal oscilaltor, then amplified by a bc547, then a bd139/140 driver stage driving a 7:7 gdt. the gdt drives a irf840 mosfet in class e configuration which drives the second 7:3 gdt.
the signal from this on is connected to the gate of the irfp450 (also class e) which power the 4 turns primary.
the hole setup:
the irfp450 class e stage:
and a vid with lower voltage then on the pictures
greets theju
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