Tue Mar 24 2009, 05:23AM
Registered Member #1902
Joined: Fri Jan 02 2009, 07:59PM
Location: Lancaster, NY
Posts: 75
Hi i have a few questions about the operation of amsstc that my research has come up short of. I would like to know if a coil could produce polyphonic sounds and music with an audio jack input by turning the enable pin on the fet drivers on and off. If not do i need to implement pwm driver logic with tl494 chip. any websites that could point me in the right direction would be helpful. Also if i do decide to audio modulate my coil will a coil at around 100khz provide good sound quality. If i do decide to power my bridge from mains ac(120vac@60hz) do i need some type of current limiting besides fuses, or will the load of the coil limit the current? thx for any replies as well as any info on coil audio modulation.
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