Streamer development recorded with high speed camera
Mon Mar 02 2009, 07:40AM
Registered Member #347
Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 106
Hey guys,
I took an interesting video today, running my DRSSTC and high speed camera at the same rate, 120Hz. This allows you to see the development of the streamers burst by burst.
Youtube video
Higher quality AVI: ]tesla.avi[/file]
It takes a few pulses to grow the streamer enough to make contact with the duct on the left (~1m distance). I also notice a brighter, frantic arc action near the duct. I've seen this brighter section near the end on Van de Graaff sparks too. Any idea what causes it?
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Registered Member #540
Joined: Mon Feb 19 2007, 07:49PM
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That looks cool. I noticed that sections of the arc can remain fairly still while other around it suddenly jump to a different path. It seemed like sometimes it was smoothing out the bumps that were created by the hot rising air. I guess you could say it looks like an arc between metal points that float around or something.
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