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Registered Member #1391
Joined: Fri Mar 14 2008, 04:49PM
Posts: 40
I just finished my smal Tesla Coil, it's main inspiration is taken from ,but my limmited knowledge are taken from this forum, thanks! XD
The main diffrenes is my coil is driven by a flyback transformer and it got a weird secodary.
At first i just wanted to make a smal coil driven by a ignition coil, but the poor prefformance of my ignition coil led me to build a flyback based sirquit, i took the schematics from an old thread (like the driver (one 2n3055) with a extra capacitors (i think it keep the transistor open for a slightly longer time, not sure).
When I got the flyback going good, running of 12xAA batteries. I wanted to try it in a tc, so I just slammed upp a junky primary coil and used some stuff from an diffrent coil (the bigger coil, did never work well) and protection chooke as a secondary. To my suprise the it worked pretty well, clearly vissible "streamers" ( heavy corona :) ).
I rebuilt some of the parts and made a new secondary coil, but I got none-little results, it seemed like it was impossible to tune. Then I got the choke again (who got the lengt with ratio; 1-1.5), and built a suitable secondary coil to allow for easy tuning. After some experiments I got great results! 1-3cm "streamers" (just corona, really) and 6cm sparks to groundet objects. It would make a flourescent light glow from a distance of 15cm (as far as 30cm if I held it).
Satisfied with the results so far I went on an built it in an gun-like fashion (The handel is the RF-ground, no problems at all with RF-burns). I tried to make it as compact as possible, I could have done a better job, an it is sertanly not a beuty. After all I am very happy with it, allthoug there is stil plenty of room for improvments :P
Here is some pictures: The first settup, hangig all over my couche The coil turning a lightbulb into a plasmaglobe The "sirquitery", there are no heating in ANY parts, none... Weird. A view from the right side A view from the left side The choke coil (attach) and the new (no-good) coil spark gap (not used) Diffrent toroids (Tried with many more diffrent sizes) The TC making an fluorescent light glow from a distance (appears brighter in real)
It was impossible to get a good picture of the corona/streamers with my camera :(
This troubles me about the coil: A multiple spark gap made no improvements in results It works well with an incredebly short coil, but bad with a longer Toroids gives no visible improvements in sparks, only change the tuning point The batteries have lasted for a LOOONG while, weird Unusuably much coronaleakage from the top turns (considering it's low power), however after varnishing it and wrapping it in el-tape, these problems seems to have gone away :) It really stings to be hit by the output, (only when you are the one holding the TC, though) A wider SG means longer (but not breaking out as fast) streamers, too a certain limmit, but closing it will reduce the sparks but make flourescent light glow brighter, and brighter until the spark gap just is an conductor. It is really noisy.
I made this post mostly to ask for idê's for improvements, but also I wanted to show of my first good-working coil (however smal the sparks are :D ) Please hold my english excused, spelling is complicated stuff xD
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