Pen sized piezo TC
Sun Apr 02 2006, 10:42AM
Registered Member #350
Joined: Mon Mar 27 2006, 05:14PM
Posts: 106
Hi, Some time ago I was thinking about putting a tiny TC inside a pen but it seemed too difficult to me to get it small enough. But after reading this thread I realized it could probably be done by using a piezo transformer instead of an electro magnetic one. So I ordered a few of those piezo crystals mentioned in the other thread. I'm not sure how to do this. My plan so far is to glue 3 of these crystals together with superglue so that I get a 4.5 cm long rod. Between the first and the second one I put some aluminum foil to serve as a middle electrode. Then I drive the first crystal with an H bridge at 9V. The bridge needs to switch polarity when the current reaches zero and also needs to be current limited to about 100mA to prevent damage to the crystals. Also it should adjust to the resonance frequency automatically. I couldn't find any information on the net besides of commercial piezo transfomers but those are constructed and driven differently. Does anyone know if that has any chance to succeed and which of the driver schematics on the various TC websites will work best for this? In my design the ratio between the length of the primary crystal and the secondary crystal is only 1 to 2 so maybe it would be better to use a thin piezo like from a speaker for the primary crystal. Also I fear the superglue will not withstand the vibration. Any helpful comments are welcome. thanks.
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