RC filter
Tue Feb 17 2009, 04:08PM
Registered Member #1772
Joined: Tue Oct 21 2008, 05:23AM
Location: Athens, OH
Posts: 71
I've been reading a bit about RC filters so I can put one together for my SGTC and there are a few things I'm a bit confused about:
1) In the Eo/Ei equation, what is the frequency value derived from? In a past thread, I found somebody recommending a frequency of about 1000hz. Is this based on the rate that the spark gap is firing? If so, should I try to calculate that frequency and then add some small percent to that value?
2) When arranging my caps, should I design for much higher than the output voltage of the NST like I did with the tank?
3) I've got a bunch of 15kv/500pf ceramic caps lying around. Ceramic should be fine, right?
Thanks again!
basic coil specs: NST 15kv/25ma Tank cap: CDE940- 3kv/0.15uf (10 in series --> overall 15nf) Static gap w/ a 9V computer fan Flat spiral primary coil made from 0.25" copper tube
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